Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week One Down!

Yay! However, I didn't follow NutriSystem yesterday. My birthday is on Thursday, Ricky and I both have to work so we celebrated yesterday! Which means I was spoiled with lululemon and tasty food! 

We went to a place called Duke's chowder house because I am a seafood junky! I had crab stuffed prawns with red potatoes and zucchini. I also their famous clam chowder which was AMAZING. I fully understand what people mean when they say after a cheat meal they are energized because I freaking was. Reloading is a great feeling however, since I have been tracking all of my NutriSystem food I was very conscious about my portion size and how much I was eating. When we left I didn't feel painfully full, I didn't leave beating myself up. I felt satisfied and I was proud of myself for not over indulging. I also ate a cupcake because Ricky made them and it was adorable.

This morning when I woke up I was pretty much like well, moment of truth. I weighed in at 188.8. Which means even after a cheat meal, I lost weight. My mind was blown too. It just shows if you are aware of how much you are putting into your body you will still be okay. I know I will have a day where I am like "eff it!" and eat an entire bacon cheeseburger, fries, a soda and want more. (I clearly am still craving five guys....) Why? Because I'm a human and on top of that I am a woman and PMS is a bitch. For now, I am doing SO much better than I expected! Could I have lost more weight? Duh. However, I am moving on to the next phase of NutriSystem and I am working on a consistent gym schedule. 

Also, in just the past week Ricky said he can tell a difference in my mood. I have been sleeping better, WAY less headaches. I feel better all around. 

All my best, 


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